General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all quotations, offers, work, agreements and deliveries of services or products by or on behalf of MY BRIDES.

Parties may only deviate from these terms and conditions if this has been expressly communicated and agreed in writing.

The parties expressly exclude the applicability of additional and/or deviating general terms and conditions of the customer or third parties.

Identity of MY BRIDES:

MY BRIDESBusiness address: Archimedeslaan 24, 4904HK Oosterhout, The NetherlandsTelephone number: 0031 613636 691Email address: info@mybrides.nlChamber of Commerce number: 20159875VAT identification number: NL002465180B69

1. Offers and quotations

Offers and quotations from MY BRIDES are without obligation, unless expressly stated otherwise.


2. Prices/ Rates

2.1. All prices used by MY BRIDES are in euros, are inclusive of VAT and exclusive of any other costs such as administration costs, levies and travel, parking, shipping or transport costs, unless expressly stated otherwise or otherwise agreed.

2.2. MY BRIDES may change all prices that MY BRIDES uses for its products or services, on its website or otherwise made known, at any time.

2.3. If MYBRIDES cannot start work at the agreed time or if there is another reason why work cannot be carried out in the meantime, waiting money will be charged. The amount is 15.00 euros per 15 minutes.


3. Travel expenses reimbursement

3.1. Travel expenses are calculated from the bridal stylist's business address. These are based on a mileage allowance of €0.45 per kilometer.

3.2. After 2 hours of travel (1 hour there/1 hour back) 30.00 euros per hour will be charged Example: 1.5 hours of driving there and back is 3 hours of travel in total. Here 1 hour of travel will be charged.


4. Payment

4.1. Payment must be made within 14 days after the invoice date, in a manner to be specified by MY BRIDES, unless otherwise indicated by MY BRIDES.4.2. For bridal orders, MY BRIDES requests a down payment of 50% of the invoice amount immediately after receipt of the order form or acceptance of the quotation. The remaining amount must be paid within 14 days after the trial session. 4.3. All extensions of the bridal orders booked via the client will be invoiced in a new invoice.4.4. For all other private orders, payment is made by invoice.4.5. If the payment term is exceeded, the other party is legally in default and the statutory interest is due on the entire invoice amount, starting on the date on which the amount to be paid becomes due.4.6. All judicial and extrajudicial costs that MY BRIDES must incur to collect the amount owed to it by the other party, will be borne by the client.

5. Execution of the agreement

5.1. MY BRIDES will execute the agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship.

5.2. MY BRIDES has the right to have the agreed services (partially) performed by third parties.

5.3. The agreement will be implemented in mutual consultation and after written agreement and payment by the client.

5.4. The client guarantees the correctness, completeness and reliability of the information, data and documents provided, even if these originate from third parties, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the agreement.


6. Right of withdrawal

6.1. The client has the right to terminate the agreement if MY BRIDES is culpably in breach of its obligations, unless this breach, given its special nature or minor significance, does not justify termination.

6.2. If the fulfillment of the obligations by MY BRIDES is permanently or temporarily impossible, dissolution can only take place after MY BRIDES is in default.

6.3. MY BRIDES has the right to terminate the agreement with the customer if the customer does not fully or timely fulfil his obligations under the agreement.


7. Termination, cancellation and suspension of the agreement

7.1. In case of illness of the stylist, MY BRIDES will deploy a replacement stylist of equivalent level. If MY BRIDES does not have a replacement stylist available, the order can be cancelled in whole or in part at any time.

If the order is cancelled by MY BRIDES due to the unavailability of a replacement stylist in case of illness, all fees paid by the client will be fully refunded.7.2. If the client cancels a booked order, the client owes the following cancellation costs: a) Bookings are entitled to cancel them free of charge within 14 days of the booking.b) In case of cancellation up to 60 days before the wedding day, 25% of the costs of the bridal package. c) In case of cancellation from the 60th day to the 14th day before the wedding day, the cancellation costs are 50% of the costs of the bridal package.d) In case of cancellation from the 14th day to the 7th day before the wedding day, the cancellation costs are 75% of the costs of the bridal package.e) In case of cancellation from the 7th day before the wedding day, the cancellation costs are 100% of the costs of the bridal package.f) The wedding day is understood to mean the first booked date that we have reserved for the client.


8. Force Majeure

8.1. In addition to the provisions of Article 6:75 of the Dutch Civil Code, a failure by MY BRIDES to fulfil any obligation towards the client cannot be attributed to MY BRIDES in a situation beyond the control of MY BRIDES, which prevents the fulfilment of its obligations towards the client in whole or in part or which makes it unreasonable to expect MY BRIDES to fulfil its obligations.

8.2. The force majeure situation referred to in paragraph 1 also includes - but is not limited to: state of emergency (such as civil war, uprising, riots, natural disasters, etc.); default and force majeure of suppliers, deliverers or other third parties; unexpected power, electricity, internet, computer and telecom failures; computer viruses, strikes, government measures, unforeseen transport problems, bad weather conditions and work stoppages.

In the event of force majeure, MY BRIDES is not liable to pay any (damage) compensation, even if it enjoys any benefit as a result of the force majeure situation.


9. Amendment of the agreement

If, after the conclusion of the agreement, it appears necessary to change or supplement its content for its execution, the parties shall adjust the agreement accordingly in a timely manner and in mutual consultation.


10. Amendment of general terms and conditions

10.1. MY BRIDES is entitled to change or supplement these general terms and conditions.

10.2. The client is entitled to terminate the agreement in the event of a material change to the general terms and conditions.


11. Transfer of rights

Rights of the client under an agreement between the parties may not be transferred to third parties without the prior written consent of MY BRIDES.


12. Consequences of nullity or voidability

12.1. If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions prove to be null and void or voidable, this will not affect the other provisions of these terms and conditions.

12.2 A provision that is void or voidable will in that case be replaced by a provision that comes closest to what MY BRIDES had in mind when drawing up the conditions on that point.


13. Applicable law and competent court

Any agreement between the parties shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law. The Dutch court in the district where MY BRIDES is established / practices / has its office shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes between the parties, unless the law prescribes otherwise.

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